I still remember when I was asked by the female network where I worked to talk about how I found time to be the leader of a big and intense product development program, care for my three children and still write novels in the evenings.
“Sure, I can talk about that”, I said. “Just book a conference room where I have a whiteboard.”
A week before the talk one of the organisers contacted me.
“You may want to prepare a few slides”, she said. When I asked her why, she said that so many had signed up that they had had to book the largest room in the whole building. Hundreds, rather than the tens I was expecting, would show up.

Wow. It wasn’t until this happened that I understood how many people struggle with time. Many who worked hard and also did what they could to work smart ended up in the Efficiency Trap, the trap where we work every minute and still don’t get what we want done. They wanted out of the efficiency race and into calm productivity with time and energy left for what made them happy.
The “Annika, how do you find the time” question was the start of the company I now own. What started as answering individual questions grew into speaking engagements, books, online courses and implementation programmes with caring coaching.
So how come I intuitively know how to make the most of my time? Thanks to my wonderful mum. My father called her “an efficiency-monster”. I learned a lot from my mum when it came to efficiency and using my time well and – more importantly – I taught myself how to not stress the way she did, I taught myself that I, and no one else, gets to decide how I use my time.

Now I help individuals and corporations escape the efficiency trap and get an unbelievable amount of work done – in peaceful and harmonious ways.
I am married to the love of my life and I am a mother of 3 sons. Dogs and cats are also part of our family.
I grew up and live in Sweden but I have also lived and worked in France, Spain and the Netherlands. Some of the things I love to do are riding my motorcycle, being in nature and reading and writing.
I hope my work will benefit you – so you can find the time, energy and joy to be of benefit to others!
COPYRIGHT © 2023 Annika Rosendahl